Portraits de Pin-ups par Gil Elvgren (peintre et illustrateur américain)
Gil Elvgren était un peintre et illustrateur américain qui a peint beaucoup de portraits de Pin-ups des années 30 aux années 80. Les portraits des Pin-ups présentés sur cette page sont des extraits des peintures et illustrations de Gil Elvgren.
Pour voir toutes les peintures de Gil Elvgren aller sur la page ▶ Peintures de Gil Elvgren
Voir également ▶ Portraits de Pin-ups par Gil Elvgren (1)
Portraits de Pin-Ups (2)
50 portraits de Pin-ups par Gil Elvgren.
Liste des portraits (2)
- Denise (1960)
- Did you recognize me by my voice? (1948)
- Doctor, are all those fellows internes? (1946)
- Dog gone (1946)
- Doggone good (Puppy love) (1959)
- Double exposure (1940)
- Dream girl (1945)
- Dumb pluck (1940-49)
- Evening out (It will take more than one evening out) (1969)
- Everything seems high around here (1946)
- Finders keepers (1945)
- Fire belle (Always ready) (1956)
- Fit to be tied (1951)
- Fit to kill (I’m fair game for any hunt!) (I’m game) (1965)
- Free wheeling (1937)
- Fresh! (1949)
- Fresh breeze (1) (Catering wind) (Breezy teas) (1960)
- Fresh breeze (2) (Wayward wind) (1950)
- Get the picture? (1957)
- Girl driving (Ditzler)
- Girl on bicycle (NAPA) (1975)
- Girl playing shuffleboard (NAPA) (1969-70)
- Golfer study (NAPA) (1972)
- Hard to handle (1957)
- Help wanted (1952)
- He thinks i’m too good to be true (1947)
- He was neither a gentleman nor a sculler (1948)
- Hidden treasures (1954)
- High and shy (1950)
- Hi-ho, sliver! (1969)
- Hold everything (Making friends puppy love) (1962)
- I hope the boys don’t draw straws tonight (1946)
- I must be going to waist (Waisted effort) (1946)
- I’m a happy medium (And find out how the future looks) (1947)
- I’m just trying it for sighs (1948)
- I’m not shy im just retiring (Too much Champagne) (1947)
- In the red (1950)
- Intermission (Waiting long?) (1960-69)
- It’s a snap (Pretty snappy) (Snap judgment) (1958)
- It’s easy (1955)
- It’s nothing to sneeze at (Nothing to sneeze at) (1947)
- I’ve been spotted (1) (1949)
- I’ve been spotted (2) (1956)
- Jill needs Jack (1950)
- Just right (The « eyeds » of march) (1962)
- Last stand (Fare maiden) (1961)
- Lazy days are here again (1948)
- Lets eat out (1967)
- Lets go (1) (1960)
- Lets go (2) (1957)
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